Thirsty Dumpling

If you grew up in an Asian household, it’s likely you learned how to make dumplings. And if not – meaning, you did not grow up in an Asian household or you did but you didn’t grow up making dumplings (I’m confusing myself, too), then you need to check out Thirsty Dumpling.

Their concept is essentially offering a dumpling-making experience packaged like a cake box. You get to make homemade dumplings with everything laid out for you. They provide the mixes, and you simply add meat (or mushrooms, tofu, etc. for a vegan option), and voilĂ : you have homemade dumplings.

And the best part? They’re gooood.

Fun Activity Idea

When I made theseI invited over my boyfriend, my boyfriend’s sister, and her boyfriend (how many times can I say boyfriend in one sentence?)

We turned it into a double date, and it was so much fun to show them how to make dumplings (since I already knew), but the whole experience was completely new for them. Thirsty Dumpling provides all the instructions and even includes a video in case you need extra help!

The four of us loved making dumplings together and then enjoying them afterward. This activity is perfect not only for a date but also for family bonding, a girls’ night in, or simply if you want to learn how to make dumplings on your own! Thirsty Dumpling is a great place to start.

Hope you guys love it as well!